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Writer's pictureMark Kass


We're back and we need your help!

We need more kind volunteers to help tell our great jazz story here at the UK's only cultural centre for jazz.

Whatever your jazz is, we'd love to talk. Your own passions and experience will be invaluable to us and you'll be joining a team of like-minded volunteers who are equally keen to deliver our goals..tor preserve, promote & celebrate the art and diversity of jazz in all its forms.

If you're aged 18-80 and available for just a couple of hours or even few days, we're open Wednesdays to Sunday 11am to 5pm so please get in touch.

Click HERE for our VOLUNTEERING PAGE or better still, pop-in for an informal chat, we'll show you around our exciting collections and find out how we can make your volunteering experiences really worthwhile!

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

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